Color Picker
Unlike Select, where you can create things like themes that will alter your entire color palate, Color Picker is meant for when you want to give users a color wheel to pick any color manually
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Unlike Select, where you can create things like themes that will alter your entire color palate, Color Picker is meant for when you want to give users a color wheel to pick any color manually
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A Color Picker input is great for when you need to give the user flexibility to pick just the exact color they need. The color modes along with the eyedrop tool build into the color picker gives your user immense freedom, without sacrificing the validity of the output, making sure it's always valid and doesn't change from what you intended it to.
Works great for:
Text colors
Background color
Places where opacity is a important
Places where matching or deviating the color of an image is important
When creating a new Color picker input, you will be able to choose between RGBA and HEX mode as well as the default color.